Serving Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne's & Talbot Counties

Click on a day of the week to find a meeting near you.
Saturday Meetings (in person or online)

CHESTERTOWN - Alano Club 103 Dixon Dr., Early Risers Came to Believe. 8:00 AM, Map
QUEENSTOWN - Calvary Methodist Church 7113 Maryland Ave., "Eye Opener". 8:30 AM Map
EASTON - 315 E. Dover St., "Morning Recovery Group"8:30 AM Map
EASTON - St. Mark's United Methodist Church 100 Peachblossom Rd. "Saturday Morning Roundtable" 9:30 AM
Use side entrance on Trippe Ave. Map
STEVENSVILLE - Christ Church Parish 830 Romancoke Rd., "Next Right Thing Group". 2:00 PM (H) Map
Meets around back at picnic table
EASTON - Grace Street 8262 Ocean Gateway Suite 1,"11th Step Meeting: Prayer & Meditation" 4:00 PM (H) Map
CHESTERTOWN - Alano Club 103 Dixon Dr., "Early Dose of Sobriety Group" Grapevine Discussion. 6:30 PM (H) Map
HILLSBORO - Retreat House, 22005 Church St., "Women's Candlelight". 7:00 PM Map
EASTON - Presbyterian Church 617 N. Washington St. "Saturday Night Live" 7:00 PM (H) Map
ROCK HALL - Seventh Day Adventist Church, 21366 E Sharp St., "Saturday Night Live" 7:30 PM Map
STEVENSVILLE - Safe Harbor Presbyterian Church 931 Love Point Rd., "Sat. Night Topic Group". 7:30 PM Map
7:30 AM - Alano Club"No Excuses" Zoom Direct Link:, password 12x12
12:00 Noon - S.O.S. SOBRIETY ON THE SHORE Open Discussion. Zoom Meeting ID: 8415 607 366, password: Shore12
9:30 PM - Young People - The 5th Dimension - Zoom Direct Link:
Manual login: Meeting ID 687 118 144, Call in/audio only 646-876-9923
Please contact with updated information
"I am responsible... when anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of
A. A. always to be there. And
for that I am responsible."